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Gerencia (English version available )

Disponível para : Rio Grande do Sul

Resumo de qualificações

Profissional com boa experiência nos E.U. mudando-se para o Brasil dentro de alguns meses está a procura de uma posição a nível de gerencia em uma empresa no Brasil. Também interessado a obter trainamento nos E.U. e então ser transferido para o Brasil.


Administrador. Graduado em Marketing e Administração nos Estados Unidos. Inglês e Espanhol fluentes. Atuação em planejamento estratégico, gerenciamento de projetos e coordenação de equipes operacionais. Atualmente reside na area metropolitana de Houston, Texas e almeja um emprego no Brasil para se mudar em breve.

Experiência profissional

Sonic Industries, Inc. Gerente Geral
Houston, Texas Mar08 ao Presente
Salt Lake City, Utah Dez03 a Jan08
- Controle de estoque, pedidos de produtos , agendamento de funcionários e gerentes, avaliação de relatorios de rentabilidade (Profit/Loss), realizando o feedback e o controle. Contratação e treinamento de funcionários e gerentes.
- Segurança dos produtos, tempo a realizar o serviço, qualidade dos produtos, controle financeiro, relatórios diários/semanais/mensais.

Exxell Project Management Project Manager
Newark, New Jersey Out98 a Nov03
- Realizou orçamentos, recebeu feedback dos clientes, e fez as atualizações com o departamento de vendas.
- Contratação de subcontratantes para diferentes fases dos projetos, organizou o calendário para o começo de cada fase, e controlou a qualidade da serviços para manter os padrões elevados.


- Bachelor of Science Degree, Marketing,
Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey
- Associated in Science Degree with Honors, Business Administration,
Essex County College, Newark, New Jersey


Trilingue: Inglês / Português / Espanhol

Dados pessoais

Brasileiro, casado.


Availabe to work in : Rio Grande do Sul

Technical Summary

A manager with good experience in the U.S. will relocate to Brazil in a few months, and is seeking to obtain a management level position in a company in Brazil. Also interested in getting some training in the U.S. and then be transferred to Brazil

Specific Knowlegdes

- Trilingual: English/Portuguese/Spanish
- Software: Windows, Internet, Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Access), CorelDraw, QuickBooks Pro, Adobe Acrobat; Hardware: Install and configure hardware and peripherals
- Good writing skills and considerable typing speed
- Deal easily to work under stress and to meet deadlines
- Good supervising skills for managing large and small group of people
- Career oriented mind with entrepreneur spirit
- Responsible, reliable on the work place; learn fast new tasks
- Good interpersonal relation with customers and co-workers
- Attention to the details of the tasks being done, from orders received, and to orders given
- Always interested for more responsibility and career advancement within the company

Relevant Experience

Sonic Industries, Inc. General Manager
Houston, TX Mar08 to Present
Salt Lake City, UT Dec03 to Jan08
- Product safety, service timing, product quality, financial control, daily/weekly/monthly reports.
- Inventory control, truck order, scheduling hourly employees and managers, P/L assessment, feedback and control. Hired and trained hourly employees and managers.

Exxell Project Management Project Manager
Newark, NJ Oct98 to Nov03
- Made estimates, received feedback from customers, and made updates with sales department.
- Hired subcontractors for different stages of the projects, organized the timing to start each stage, and controlled the quality of service to keep high standards.


- Bachelor of Science Degree, Marketing, GPA 3.25/4.00
Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey, Newark, NJ
- Associated in Science Degree with Honors, Business Administration, GPA 3.45/4.00
Essex County College, Newark, NJ

Foreign Languages

- Trilingual: English/Portuguese/Spanish

Personal data

Brazilian citizen, married.

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