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 página inicial :: Currículos :: Marketing :: Gerente de Produtos / Marketing
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Gerente de Produtos / Marketing (English version available )

Disponível para : São Paulo, SP

Product Manager

Availabe to work in : São Paulo, SP

Specific Knowlegdes

Proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Project.
Familiar with internet tools and language.

Creativity, strength of mind and versatility are mainly characteristics, as well as analytical way of thinking and remarkable ability to interact with people.

Relevant Experience

98-current Citibank/SP
Product Manager
Working in the Consumer Division, responsible for fees and services. Services include all kinds of payments and funds transfer, automation of payrolls, pick-up and delivery services and the monthly statement. Also responsible for developing all service processes, reducing costs and improving quality levels. Participation in major projects in 2001, such as: tax collection, which assumes the implementation of a new teller system in the branches, playing a project manager role; and the Central Bank new payment system, which changes a great deal of all bank related systems and products.

97-98 Brahma/SC
Process Engineer
Worked in the brewery of Lages, playing a supervision role in production line, leadership of Preventive Maintenance and Quality Control Circles. Coordinated production areas as well as its employees. Through analysis came up with enhancement points, in production and equipment maintenance.


1999 - 1999 Esc. Sup. de Propaganda e Marketing São Paulo/SP
Specialization in Marketing.

1992 - 1997 Fed. University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis/SC
Chemical Engineering
Graduated in 6/9/97, having received the Medal of Honor for achieving the highest score in class (GPA 4.3).

Foreign Languages

English - fluent
French - intermediate
Spanish - basic

Personal data

Brazilian, 27 years old, single

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